Saturday, December 30, 2006

Unseen blessings

Ever lost something, or can't do something, yet in that spare time you find something wonderful? I have. More than once even. Such events might mean losing precious or personal items such as your MP3 player, your internet access and such. It might happen in various ways even, ways that might be your fault, such as dropping that something, or totally not your fault. Like when you "Accidentally" dropped it, or its nature's fault. Yes yes, nothing's ever your fault, isn't it? =/

Ah well. In this case, I didn't have any batteries for my MP 3 player, back in school in the beginning of the year. That made me interact with people I have never interacted with in class. Hell yes, that small event is responsible for the group I have now, the group I totally adore and respect. And all in all, I have never regretted it.

For now, I'm wondering, I have a fucked down connection, now what is the blessing to it? Nothing much so far. Except I blogged a bit, changed the skin, re-liked a few people. Chatted more than usual. Heck, I feel good. A bit of internet drama from Ragnarok Online again, but hey, with positive stuff in that game to, nothing can get too bad... can it?

Ah well, I hope the lag ends soon. For the benefit of all people affected, especially the ones around the Asian continent.

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