Saturday, April 22, 2006

Its been one heckova month with emotional turnarounds. Part and parcel of growing up eh? Its funny that for the three weeks of this month, all I felt was jealousy, lonliness, anger and self-rejection. Only on one fateful day a few days back, I kind of... let it all out. =)

So yeah, I'm pretty much accepting everything I see. Even for the girl I like, she has her own likes, hates and dreams. I can't wish for everything to be my way if it wasn't meant to be. And realizing this made me happy. Sure, it hurt, but in the long run, it'll be the foundation for every single relationship I have. Be it just friends, or anything more or less.

School sucks as usual, so I guess I can leave it at that. So... yeah. Ciao anyways. ^^