Thursday, March 02, 2006


Today was the average/ok day at the least. I'm still having problems with saving money. Ugh. I've gotta start planning and eating less. I'm already on a stringent meal by eating like, 2 chicken paos for reccess if I need to. I sometimes eat my $1.50 or $1.80 plate of chicken rice, and I keep needing to buy stationary. Ugh. Its been happening since last year. I gotta change that. I swear I feel angry at myself for alot of things, but this has got to be the one that annoys me the most.

Well, on the bright side, at least I can jog 4 rounds around the field on an almost-constant pace. I'm happy at least my training has paid off. Sure, its only my breathing. My legs can stand the work.

I also hate having the responsibilities of a Class Chairman. Its cool, sure. But it sucks too. XD

Today's assembly was great, with a few people acting out about how not to feel ugly, and the truth of relationships and stuff. It was really meaningful to people of our age. Well, at least thats what I think. Sure, it was slightly dumb, but I guess thats how we all think it is eh?

The rest of the day went on as normal. Along with the read along programme.

Before I stop due to my fatigue, I'd like to add one little comment.

Postitude > All.
Good ol' Mr Teo made that mistake well. Positive Attitude became Postitude. Woot.

Right, later.

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