Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm "that person" in your life that once helped you, was once your friend and once talked to you. I'm "that person" who listened, helped you and gave advise, offering a shoulder to cry on whenever you needed one. I'm "that person" who stood on the sidelines, watching you with a watchful eye, noticing your body language, before leaving a message on your phone if I get concerned, without anyone else knowing/noticing unless you tell them.

I'm "that person" who randomly seems like a close friend on certain days, yet so far on others. I'm "that person" who is never mentioned, never thanked and yet, doesn't seem to mind at all, helping others with their lives, seemingly as if his own was perfect, if not filled with flaws everywhere.

Ending this with a last note;

I'm always there, the door's always open. "That person" is never too far and even if he's busy, has some time to talk over the phone, or message you whenever he can. He is human after all.

PS: Shit, I need to blog more. Signing off.

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