Thursday, January 29, 2009

Because I wanna know how stupid I am.

And I wanna get my head off work for awhile.

[ ] You have tripped a couple of times
[x] You were looking for a certain object then you realized it was on your hand
[ ] You have been hit by a ball in the head
[x] You have failed in P.E. class
[ ] You have been electrocuted
[ ] You have been called STUPID

[x] You keep on forgetting what you are about to say
[ ] You've worn your clothes upside down a couple of times
[ ] You swim then you realize that you're losing breath
[x] You opened the fridge instead of opening the cupboard
[x] You thought Ricky Martin is straight (HE ISN'T?!!!)
[ ] You laughed and laughed then you choked

[ ] It will take you more than 10 seconds before you realize that a joke is either funny or not
[x] Your keyboard is black, the lights are turned off and it's dark. You still tend to type.
[ ] You have no idea what an Xbox is
[ ] You don't know how multiply works
[ ] You kept writing but later you've noticed that you do not know what you're writing.

[x] You know you're the only one in the class who has that name and yet you ask the question: who, me?
[ ] You don't know what he/she is talking about and yet, you still say YEAH.
[x] You don't know what's the difference between BOMBAIS and MUSLIMS
[ ] You were about to go out from your house when you felt that you have no underwear
[ ] You forgot to wear your shoes

[ ] You don't know where you live.
[ ] You only know about 1/4 of the roads in your city
[ ] You don't know a single element
[ ] You don't know what an iPod is
[ ] You see a sign that says don't touch but you still touch it.

[ ] You do not know what your name means
[ ] You don't have an idea what sims are
[X] You don't know what NEWS means
[x] You fell off your chair
[ ] You fight with someone, but you don't know what you're fighting about.

[ ] You still don't know if a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable
[ ] You don't hear a thing when someone is shouting at you
[ ] You say what and huh a lot
[ ] You’re using a calculator to see your score in this test

Now take that number and multiply by 3!

30% huh.

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