Monday, April 21, 2008


As much as possible, I'll try to make a few changes to the font to make it clear, so people can actually read, lawl. WELL. I shall revive this blog!... And with it, need to trim off my links as well, so I can add the ones that actually still are alive/matter, and remove the dead links. Hopefully, that;ll rid of a few ounces of emotional baggage as well. Otherwise, there's a whole lot of things that I have to explain. Many things have happened since the last time i posted (duh, 4 months isn't a short amount of time), so I'll try to make it short, since I don't think I can do much with this degree of fatigue.

I've half-flunked my O levels.

English - A1
Humanities (Social Studies/History) - C5
Pure Geog - C6
Science (Phy/Chem) D7
Mathematics (E Maths) E8
Malay - C6
CCA - A2 - 2 Bonus Points.

I have about 26 points (L1R4 I think)

I is now in ITE Clementi, after most of my appeals didn't pass through.

Business Administration class, but god. ITS SO FAR.

I is not the only Bedok Green Secondary student there, but I shan't disclose their names, just in case its a shame for them.

Otherwise, I'm enjoying every single moment in class. <3

More details later, maybe. I NEED TO SEE WHO READS. D=



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