Its been too long. More than 2 months have passed since my last post. HAH, I doubt anyone's even reading this anymore. At any rate, I guess I'll post anyway, since I'm probably going to show this to more people in the future. But also, I've got nothing else to do other than to whittle my life away. Might as well do something "semi-productive", I guess.
I've struggled and done what I could for my "O" levels. Whatever regrets I had, I might as well fling 'em out of the window. Like I said, no point regretting. Might as well reap what I sow and handle it in the future, and plan better. I was in a slump for quite awhile, but with the abundance of time during the holidays, its given me more than enough time to think things over. Well, I can confidently say I'm much better than who I used to be, though I had to kill my own selfish reservations with things, I still have enough of myself to hate a few people who don't exactly deserve it. ;D
Though, I guess that doesn't really matter. Negative stuff never was fun to talk about to begin with. Well, with this much time, I've spent it all on my PSP, and friends whenever possible. Of course, cash has been a bitch as well, since my parents are gone for a month on their Pilgrimage to Mecca. I've been with my Sisters and my extended family, whom all have taken good care of each other. And well, cash being a bitch just means I have to watch how much I spend. Its not like they starve me or anything, mind you. ;D
Well, it has been two entire months after all, and I guess I do owe a few of you bored readers who finally check on what I've been doing. Well, not much, but I guess I'll list them out anyway.
The O levels were finally done, and most of us could barely wait for the Prom Night. I paid the $55 fee with my Hari Raya collections (That I can't even touch in the first place, so hey, its a win-win situation for me), and arrived at the location about an hour bloody early. Even so, the events began 30 minutes after the proposed meeting time, so there was plenty of time to cool off and relax in the hotel. The venue was the famed, Marina Mandarin Hotel. And god, did I love the Buffet. Damn. Top-class food with the prawns still quite "Rare" to preserve the crunchy-ness. Of course, not everyone liked the prawns like that. Can't blame 'em, most of us middle-class people tend to eat fully-cooked prawns that aren't even that "crunchy" in a sense.
Salmon, cakes, fruit... The buffet was heavenly.
The dance part though.... Fucked up. WHERE THE HELL WAS THE FORMAL DANCE MUSIC.
Screw RnB/rap/pop remixes. >_>
Well, other than that... If you want pictures, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I might post them up for the heck of it since no one might ask and I feel like posting them in the first place anyway. <_<>_>